Monday, August 13, 2007

Count down

I will take my last two University exams this week... it's a little hard to believe! I just realized today that I have been out of highschool for 9 years... This is how it breaks down:
spring 1998-graduated
1998-1999- worked at the pool/ Uncle Terry/Aunty Liz /did a trip to Inuic
1999 fall-June 2000-Haiti
Fall 2000-moved to Montreal
2000-2002-Took sciences
2002-2007- Worked on Bach at Concordia

Gabe and I moved to Montreal the same year and month but didn't meet until the following spring and didn't start to date until the fall of 2001. So, 7 year itch for Montreal? In some ways yes, some ways I feel like I don't know this city at all.


Zaak said...

I've only been out of high school for 13 yrs. You're so old and itchy.

Amber said...

Wow! Your last exams and then you're done! Way to go April, now you get to teach monsters I mean children, haha.