Thursday, June 28, 2007

Eyebrows and things

If you knew the Redings when they were younger you would know we've got thick eyebrows... overpowering. I've been getting them tamed for the last few years and have been happy with them until an overzealous woman hacked them.... For the first time in my life I wish for think endless eyebrows... Now I have to wait for them to grow back. Really, you're putting your life into strangers hands, with tweezers or hot wax. Really, what should I say "Take it easy on the brows" Or "Keep them a little bushy" or "Whoah nelly". Also anyone working with kids and want to save some sanity, play hide and seek. You can have a little quiet time, stretch out the counting and take your time finding them. Most kids like to play it a few times at least. I also added today "Ultimate Hide and seek" where there is home base... It just sucks to be an adult and look for a good hiding place.

1 comment:

Amber said...

Did Miriam give you the bad eyebrow job? She's always done such a nice job before...